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Digging Deeper Into Anger Management If you are doing your work in anger management, you have learned how to become aware of your anger, how to stop yourself when you are getting angry, and how to calm yourself down. You have also started to evaluate your anger by considering why you got angry and then […]

Emotion Regulation: Observing Yourself Without Judging Yourself Self-Destructive behaviors can only offer you temporary relief. In the long term, they are all more damaging to yourself and others. For this reason, it’s important that you begin to notice what the rewards are for all your behaviors, but especially the self-destructive ones. This is the key […]

Improving Marriage Relationship Denver Newly married couples are often unprepared for the challenges of marriage (no matter whether they had premarital counseling or not).  When the “honeymoon” phase is over, the real relationship begins and the challenging phase of sharing life begins.  Many marriages begin to fall apart because our culture doesn’t teach couples how to […]

Three Ways to Strengthen Marriage Dr. John Gottman has been studying couples for the last four decades to understand why some relationships are like ticking time bombs that result in divorce or chronic unhappiness, while others work well, are satisfying, and remain stable over a lifetime. Social scientists do not have a good track record […]

“Don’t you trust me?” “How can I trust him/her?” Trust is foundational for all relationships, but especially for our marriages. Trust is not so easy to cultivate and, once broken, can be excruciatingly difficult to repair. Some people come by it naturally. They find it easy to trust others, maybe because they saw good examples […]

Relationship Counselors Article in NY Times By TARA PARKER-POPE AUGUST 25, 2014, reports couples who are decisive in entering their marriage relationship have better and longer lasting marriages than those who just casually decide to get married after years of living together or deciding it is the next step. Do you have a decisive marriage? […]

Here are 7 ways a wife injures her husband, without even knowing it. By Ron Edmonson 1. Put him down in front of other people – Most men will not counter this type of humiliation in public…if ever. They will simply take it…and hurt. If they do eventually address it it will be out of […]

Anger Management Tool: A Look In The Mirror Now think about yourself. When you get angry, it is usually over something that is a real wrong? Is it about a true injustice in the world? Do you find yourself angry about oppression or starving children? Do you find yourself saying, “that’s not right!” about human […]

Anger Management Denver Anger can ruin marriages, families, and yourself.  Our marriage counselors often encounter anger issues in working with couples and direct the individual to work on the anger in individual counseling sessions. Once you have identified your thoughts you need to determine if is is a real wrong or a perceived wrong. Sometimes […]

Anger Management Tools: Thoughts The first step in this process is to identify your thoughts, or what you are thinking about that is making you mad. What i your trigger though? Are you have wrong thoughts about your relationship? As we’ve said, the reason you are mad is not because of what happened, but because […]

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