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Healthy Relationship Components Healthy relationship attachments components include: Know – Trust – Rely – Commit – Touch. These five bonding forces form the glue of your relationship (connection) and they should grow together in a balanced way. In other words, there is a safe zone you need to stay within as your relationship grows. The […]

Dr Richard Nicastro writes about relationship health and building intimacy. Here he writes about how the fear of intimacy can adversely impact a relationship. “Like actors on stage, we all play different roles in our lives. Some of these roles are more general (the competent, emotionally “in-control” male; the empathic, emotionally generous female), while others […]

Poor Self-Care Anger Management Exercise Poor Self-care anger management includes not exercising. You know you should. Everyone knows they should. But if you are like most people, you are either too tired or too busy, and you are not taking care of your body through regular exercise. This wears away at you and burns your […]

Anger Management Poor Self-Care: Sleep If I had a magic wand and I had one wish for all of my anger management clients, it wold be that they got eight restful hours of sleep a night. That would be it. i really believe that a good night’s sleep would salve a huge percentage of anger […]

Anger Management Issues Anger Management Issues requires a person to stop blaming others for his or her own anger. Blaming is the most self-destructive anger distortion. The same can be true in marriage counseling and blaming the other partner. The mistaken belief that underlies blaming is that other people are doing bad things to you, […]

Common Marriage Problems There are lots of reasons that couples may decide to seek help and get marriage counseling. There are some common themes that marriage counselors encounter when couples seek help for their marriage. Many of these are similar to what our depression counselors face working with their clients. Most marriage counselors are comfortable […]

Mean Marriages Emotions can actually be like a bad cold. Spend enough time with others, and you’re likely to catch whatever they have (or feel). It’s important to take a look at how this can impact your relationship.

There are Four Key Filters: Moods. If you are in a bad mood, your negative emotional state can be a filter. And if you are in a bad mood, you are more likely to perceive whatever someone says or does more negatively, no matter how positive he or she is trying to be. Moods are […]

Dr. John Gottman has been studying couples for the last four decades to understand why some relationships are like ticking time bombs that result in divorce or chronic unhappiness, while others work well, are satisfying, and remain stable over a lifetime. What have the Gottmans taught us about what works and doesn’t work in relationships? […]

Digging Deeper Into Anger Management If you are doing your work in anger management, you have learned how to become aware of your anger, how to stop yourself when you are getting angry, and how to calm yourself down. You have also started to evaluate your anger by considering why you got angry and then […]

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