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Mature Love Falling in love is easy. It’s the staying in love part that is difficult. The emotions involved with falling in love can make you feel like you’re on top of the world. However, that giddy, heart-skipping-a-beat sort of love doesn’t last forever. Without taking steps to acquire a mature love, you can fall out […]

Anger Management Distortions: Over-Generalizations Any problem can be made to look bigger or more important by using words like “never,” “always,” “nobody,” “everybody,” etc. This is a way of making an occasional occurrence feel like an intolerable ongoing even. By exaggerating, you go way beyond the truth of the situation and set yourself up for […]

Traits For Relationships Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity. Every day in June, the most popular wedding month of the year, about 13,000 American couples will say “I do,” committing to a lifelong relationship that will be full of friendship, joy, and love that will carry them forward to their […]

Trusting Your Gut When you meet someone and are challenged are sexually attracted, it’s always important to learn to stay centered and listen to your gut in the early stages of being with someone. This isn’t easy in the midst of hormones surging, but it’s essential to make healthy relationship decisions. Dr. Judith Orloff MD […]

Relationship Killer: Anger Anger isn’t a bad emotion. However, the behaviors that people exhibit when they feel angry can make it a relationship killer. Anger problems are at the root of many marital issues. Sometimes people aren’t aware that their anger is a problem (but often others around them are). The extent of an anger problem […]

People in marriage often don’t know simple ways to develop and foster intimacy in their relationship….they think it should just happen or it’s too much work. Intimacy is about being known in various ways and areas of a relationship. All it takes is an effort to connect with your spouse on a daily basis. A […]

Marriage Divorce Myths Many clients wonder if it is worth working on developing a healthy, connected and loving marriage….even though they’ve experienced some very difficult times in their relationship.  Some wonder if living together or having a family first together ensures better harmony if they do get married later. There are many myths about marriage […]

Restored After An Affair Restoring trust after betrayal can only be accomplished with consistent openness, truthfulness, honesty and consideration consistently over time. You can’t make someone trust you again, but you can demonstrate you are a trustworthy person. If you do this consistently over time, the spouse may learn to trust again. Two concepts (rules) […]

Marital Communication Counseling When it comes to marital communication, habits are formed and patterns are created. It can be difficult to change these patterns once they are set. However, when patterns are unhealthy, it can make marital satisfaction decline quickly. The patterns can even be full of anger and rage. Unhealthy communication patterns can lead to […]

Dr. Richard Nicastro – relationship expert writes: ““Commitment” is one of those staple words in relationship lingo, right up there with “love” and “compatibility.” But have you ever given much thought to the question, “What is commitment?” And do you know why committing to your partner and the relationship is such a big deal?committed relationship […]

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