Men and Women Experience Shame Differently
By Steve Marks, MA, NCC, LPC on Wednesday, August 14th, 2019 in Marriage Counseling. No Comments
By Steve Marks, MA, NCC, LPC on Wednesday, August 14th, 2019 in Marriage Counseling. No Comments
Shame: Experience Differently Shame is a very difficult emotion to experience. Everyone, men and women experience shame at one time or another as it is a very universal human emotion. How we deal with it determines if we get stuck in our shame and cope in unhealthy ways or allow it to be known and […]
By Kevin Palmer on Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 in Marriage Counseling. No Comments
Couples “Blame Game” Dr. Neil Farber, CLC, noted in an article published by Psychology Today, October 2010, Guinness Book has recognized “The Blame Game” as the oldest recorded game ever played. Adam blamed Eve for seducing him into eating the apple. Within days of creation, blaming became a part of intimate relationships.
By Kevin Leapley, MA, LPC, CSAT on Tuesday, September 18th, 2018 in Sexual Addiction. No Comments
Attachment Theory & Relationship Anxiety Attachment theory explains that our partners represent both a safe haven and a secure base. If our partner is neither emotionally available or responsive, our external world can feel overwhelming and threatening. In helping marriages heal from past betrayal, re-establishing trust is extremely important for the relationship to survive. Inside […]
By Michael Ballard, MA, LPC on Friday, February 10th, 2017 in Anger Management. No Comments
Anger Management Tool: Direct Confrontation For a lot of people, direct confrontation turn into scathing criticism or lashing tirades. They raise their voices, yell, scream, swear, threaten, or use intimidating language. They have angry, rude discussions. They blow up or explode in some way. Or maybe they confront with biting, sarcastic remarks. They hold their […]
By Steve Marks, MA, NCC, LPC on Sunday, January 29th, 2017 in Marriage Counseling. No Comments
Reconnecting Relationships The highest percent increase in divorce is empty nest couples. What a shame after they’ve raised families and developed careers that they neglected their own relationship that they then decide to divorce. What would have been better is to have seen a couples counselor to work through emptiness in relationship. The kids are […]
By Kevin Leapley, MA, LPC, CSAT on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 in Anger Management. No Comments
Anger Management Coping Styles Passive Anger Management Coping Style The passive anger management coping style is characterized by a desire to avoid offending people and conflict in all situations. To push for what you want can feel too scary especially if it produces conflicts with those around you. The passive person often says nothing about […]
By Michael Ballard, MA, LPC on Friday, January 13th, 2017 in Anger Management. No Comments
Anger Management Steps: Gain Awareness By this point you should have a lot of tools to help you take control of your anger. You know how to gain anger awareness, stop your immediate response, calm yourself down, evaluate your situation, and navigate your options. If you have been following the steps, you have probably seen […]
By Kevin Leapley, MA, LPC, CSAT on Saturday, December 31st, 2016 in Anger Management. No Comments
Anger Isn’t Always Negative How do people behave when they are angry? Anger isn’t always negative. It can be a force for good. Moral outrage can drive people to campaign for change, right wrongs and enforce the rules that govern our society. Marriage counselors often see the damage caused by anger.
By Michael Ballard, MA, LPC on Saturday, December 24th, 2016 in Anger Management. No Comments
Anger Management Options Many people think the best way to solve their anger problems is to change someone else. But there is a problem with this line of thinking. Relying on someone else to change to help you get better is not good strategy. It is not going to work. Relationship therapists understand this and direct […]
By Michael Ballard, MA, LPC on Saturday, December 10th, 2016 in Anger Management. No Comments
Anger Management Decisive Action Sometimes, you need to take action in a situation without becoming explosive (or being passive aggressive). For instance, after weighing your options you might choose to quite your job, or fire an employee. If you are abused by your husband you might choose to leave home and stay with a friend. […]