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Self-Soothing Recovery Tool Sounds have a way of soothing us.  This can include for example listening to calming music such as classic or faith-based music.  Everyone will have his or her own favorites for relaxing.  Other examples can be listening to a inspirational speaker on Ted Talks or a pastor that you enjoy hearing. Some […]

Sexual Addiction Victory Victory over sexual addictive behaviors must derive from a change in attitude of one’s mind and heart.  This changed attitude only comes from an unconditional surrender to God.  It is a decision to stop turning to the sexual act and rely upon the provisions of a Power Greater than self.  The new […]

Radical Acceptance is the ability to endure discomfort, suffering, and pain by changing one’s attitude toward that distress.  

Divide the notebook into these five sections: Childhood Experiences (birth to age twelve), Adolescent Experiences (age thirteen to seventeen), Current Life (from the start of your journal and going forward), Recovery Exercises, and Future Plans. In the Childhood section, record your memories and feelings about your psychotraumatic experiences.  Record your positive memories and experiences here […]

  Sex Addicts Daily Renewal Exercise Recovering from sexual addiction requires a daily commitment to working on staying sober and being accountable to another recovering member. Here are some questions that the recovering sex addict can answer daily to another program member: Are you willing to admit you are powerless over your addiction and that you cannot […]

Here are a list of resources for Sex Addicts (books, filters, & groups) and for Partners/Spouses of Sex Addicts: Books and Workbooks For Recovery from Sex Addiction “Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction” by Patrick Carnes “Facing the Shadow” workbook (required for group) by Patrick Carnes Sexaholics Anonymous book (aka “White book”) “Surfing for […]

Sex Addiction Recovery: Escape Plan In sexual addiction recovery, an Escape Plan involves your own personal plan for breaking your behavior pattern when you begin to feel sexually triggered and you begin contemplating acting out.  Despite you best efforts to work your program of recovery, you find yourself in the midst of sexual obsession, fantasy, […]

Dr. Patrick Carnes has described addiction as the avoidance of reality at any cost and recovery as facing reality at any cost.  Therefore, recovery from sex addiction cannot be accomplished without establishing boundaries against using other substances (i.e, alcohol, drugs, or food) to alter your mood or avoid reality. For many sex addicts, stopping the […]

Twenty years ago, sex addicts had to get their sex “fix” from public places such as magazine racks, strip clubs, adult bookstores, or video stores.  The sex addict had the potential embarrassment of being seen and recognized.  He also was limited to the materials offered by the specific establishment. With the age of the internet, the […]

In order to be motivated to work an anger management program, we believe it is important to take inventory of the damage and wreckage of one’s past that was caused by his or her anger.  Often those struggling with anger will be in denial of how bad his or her anger has become.  There will […]

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