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In the first season of Ted Lasso, Ted is playing a game of darts against one of the antagonists in the story, Rupert. Towards the end of the game, Ted was talking about how he had been underestimated by people his whole life. For years, this bothered him, but then he saw the quote “be […]

One of the most common things I hear this time of year from clients are how difficult the holidays are. Almost unanimously, once a client tells me something to this effect, the next thing they tell me is that they feel completely alone in this feeling. Not only is this time of year tougher than […]

Deck the halls with boughs of Holly…and family fights, anxiety, and disappointment. The holiday season can be full of so much joy and happiness, and sometimes, it can also come with conflict, stressful family gatherings, and pain. This time of year can be a good time to acknowledge the different roles we play and the […]

As kind of a sentiment as wedding speeches are, there have been few that have left a lasting impression on me. That is perhaps what made one of the speeches from a wedding I recently attended so memorable and profound. The father-of-the-groom, a retired marriage and family therapist, talked about how in his career he […]

Helping Couples Stay Healthy In Covid-19 Era For most, 2020 has been filled with many ups and downs. The presence of Covid19 has forced people to shift their daily routines and adjust to new realities. From working from home to spending more time together in quarantine, many couples have found themselves questioning their relationship as […]

By now, you have probably decided that 2020 has not been shaping up to be a great year. COVID19 has undoubtedly turned your and everyone’s world upside down. At this point in the year however you are likely past the shock of wearing a mask, learning how to social distance, and washing your hands obsessively. […]

Today we find ourselves in a place we have never been before. Your wish to stay at home, play video games in your pajamas and FaceTiming friends all day long has become reality. Except this wasn’t quite what you dreamed it would be. Stuck at home. All your classes are online. You are realizing that […]

Shame: Experience Differently Shame is a very difficult emotion to experience.  Everyone, men and women experience shame at one time or another as it is a very universal human emotion. How we deal with it determines if we get stuck in our shame and cope in unhealthy ways or allow it to be known and […]

Couples “Blame Game” Dr. Neil Farber, CLC, noted in an article published by Psychology Today, October 2010, Guinness Book has recognized “The Blame Game” as the oldest recorded game ever played.  Adam blamed Eve for seducing him into eating the apple.  Within days of creation, blaming became a part of intimate relationships.

Attachment Theory & Relationship Anxiety Attachment theory explains that our partners represent both a safe haven and a secure base. If our partner is neither emotionally available or responsive, our external world can feel overwhelming and threatening. In helping marriages heal from past betrayal, re-establishing trust is extremely important for the relationship to survive. Inside […]

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