Phone: 303-933-5800

anger management group denverAnger Management Groups

Anger Management counseling groups provide a path for healing and control.

Has anger caused problems for you in your life? Anger can create major problems at work, at home, with your friends and your family. If unchecked, anger can cost you your marriage, your friendships, and your job.

If you can’t control your anger, it will control you.

Do you do things when you are angry that you regret? Do you say hurtful things that make your problems worse? Do you sometimes get angry and not even know why? Do you know that anger is a problem for you, but are not sure what to do about it?

Group Schedules


Anger Management Classes Denver & Littleton

Our eleven-session anger management group is designed to help you understand your anger and learn how to deal with it in a positive way. We’ll talk about why we get angry, how we can manage our anger, and how we can control our anger so that it doesn’t control us.

The topics that are covered in our 11-session Anger Management Program:

  • Lesson 1: Take control of your anger
  • Lesson 2: Anger Awareness
  • Lesson 3: Stop Your Immediate Response
  • Lesson 4: Lengthen your fuse
  • Lesson 5: Calm Yourself Down
  • Lesson 6: Evaluate Your Situation: Why am I Angry?
  • Lesson 7: Evaluate your situation: Real Wrongs and Perceived Wrongs
  • Lesson 8: Evaluate your situation: Digging Deeper
  • Lesson 9: Navigate your options
  • Lesson 10: Doing something about it: direct confrontation
  • Lesson 11: Doing something about it: let it go

Getting Started in Anger Management Group

Before you get started with the group you will need to complete a 30-minute initial intake session. This is the perfect time for you to discuss your individual situation and why you are taking anger management, ask any questions about the group, and make sure that the group is a good fit for you. You will not be allowed to join the class without scheduling this intake first.

Group classes meet weekly and the total cost must be paid upfront. Payment can be made by cash, check, or credit card.

Please call 303-933-5800 to inquire about vacancies.
Open spots are limited
Cost $45 per class for eleven 90-minute classes
Initial Intake: $60
Course Book: $30

Anger Assessment Questionnaire

Contact us Today!