Marriage Counselors & Sex Addiction Therapists

spouses of sex addicts group counseling denver

Partners of Sex Addicts Group

Are you in a relationship with a man addicted to sex, porn, or affairs?
Has your husband had multiple affairs, visited prostitutes, or seems to be keeping secrets?
Is pornography a problem in your home?
Do you struggle with knowing how to respond to these situations?


Partner’s sex addiction recovery and trauma groups are the path to healing for the traumatized partner of a sex addict. Experiencing sexual betrayal and deceit create traumatic experience, and experiential group therapy is the most effective treatment process, and when combined with an expert certified sex addiction therapist (CSAT), a wife or partner of a sex addict has the best chance to heal, and learn to thrive and create healthy sexual boundaries.

The Spouses/Partners of Sex Addicts Women’s group is a confidential support group led by licensed professional counselors. This group seeks to support women who are affected by their husband or partner’s addiction. Through talking about the pain that the spouses/partners are experiencing; the healing begins and the spouses/partners are better able to cope. All the members of this group will share their story of pain, sadness, confusion, anger, and will receive support for healing of the trauma.


The group therapist will provide group members a curriculum with homework that will help you better understand the trauma you are experiencing and how to begin taking care of yourself rather than the partner.  We also address the other helpful topics such as:

  • Providing a crisis support system by people who understand
  • Effectively treating trauma and the family system
  • Providing accountability and helping with self-soothing
  • Helping us focus inward, rather than outward
  • Provide modeling of healthy behaviors
  • Helping learn basic relationship skills
  • Understanding boundaries and healthy communication
  • Understanding and identifying feelings

We find that the issue of sex addiction is so emotionally draining, and the stories of the women attending are all sad, that we want to leave on a happier note and provide hope for the women who feel there is none. We close the meeting with a reading that provides promises and hope for the future.


We require at least one initial counseling session with the group counselor so that you can tell your story, ask questions about the group, the counselor will share information and required work within the group meetings, and whether further individual counseling would be helpful.  This individual session cost is $120.

Cost is $45 per group session.
Space is Limited, please call prior to attending at 303-933-5800.

Group Schedules

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